A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

C++ port of an old BASIC text based adventure game, where the player has to walk around a house collecting items and beat events whilst trying to complete it in the lowest number of commands possible.


Project created as part of my second year coursework for my Low Level Programming module, an indepth C++ programming module. The goal was to recreate an old BASIC game, used to teach new programmers how to code in BASIC, in C++, while making proper use of Object Orientated Programming and memory management.


Enter  -  Start game

Etc        -  Quit game

A - Z     -  Input text

Enter   -  Submit text


ReB0rn.zip 5 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file and decompress.

Place the .exe, .dat and the .txt in the same folder.

Click on the executable to start the game.

Warning: Due to "not being commonly downloaded", computer may pop up with a warning during download

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