A downloadable game for Windows

Solo procedural mesh destruction based project created in Unity.


Project created for my final year Advanced Technologies module, creating a procedural mesh destruction system.

To break up the mesh, Delaunay and Voronoi triangulation was used to simulate random breaking.

Further development of the system included a basic material assigner that checks the tags of each object and assigning the correct values, and a size checker which makes sure that objects too small do not divide up, and objects that are too small to be noticed are shrunk and deleted from the scene.


W, A, S, D    - Movement

Left mouse - Fire

Known issues - Optimisation/Frame rate

The projectile size and speed means it hits the walls too many times

This has been fixed for stone walls, slowing the projectile, but not glass

As a result, multiple new meshes are formed causing frame rate issue

If multiple glass walls are hit at once, unity will crash.


Procedural Destruction.zip 18 MB