A downloadable game

Small game showcasing different features designed for gameplay.


Project created for my second year Gameplay Programming module. The task was to improve on and compile different gameplay features into a small 3 to 4 minute game.

The features included were created for different marked tasks. These involved creating:

 - A third person avatar with camera and movement

 - Collectables that allow for a short duration double jump and sprint

 - Buttoned door, with a cutscene showcasing it opening

 - Alternative camera angles

 - Spline movement

 - Platform movement and character interaction

 - Combat and basic enemy AI

The final project was done as group work, taking the best individual's task, improving it and creating a small game.


WASD          - Movement

Space            - Jump

Shift              - Roll

E                      - Interact

Left Click    - Punch

Right Click - Throw bomb

Scroll Click - Throw spikes

Contribution to project

Avatar (including animations, WASD movement, jumping and rolling, and camera)

Collectables (Jak and Daxter eco like collectables and vaults that power up the player)

Doors and cutscene (also including a timed door that closes after 20 seconds)

Platform and platform movement

Creation of the third level


GPP Collab.zip 41 MB